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Things To Consider When Getting Domestic Solar Panels in the UK

Domestic Solar Panels

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Even though cost savings on electricity bills are considered the prime allure of domestic solar panels in the UK, the majority of British homeowners’ focus is on reducing their carbon footprint. Grid-dependency means depending on fossil fuels and accounting for greenhouse gas emissions. This is a high time for action and Brits are quick to respond.

While saving money is definitely a big benefit here, in practice, homeowners will need to invest in the installation up front and wait for the transition to pay off in the form of savings. Monetary benefits are indeed secondary, but the investment has to be worthwhile nonetheless.

Today, the technology around PV solar panels for domestic use has diversified to a great extent. If you have the right kind of panels in the right position, you can have access to solar energy, even from a rented flat in London! To make this possible, efficient design and configuration are imperative. If you are up for it, start your research by understanding how solar panels work and the different types that are available on the British market.

Residential Solar Panels UK – How They Work, Types, and Efficiency Level

Solar Panels do the vital job of harnessing sunlight and making electricity. It works by revoking the photovoltaic effect. Each solar panel have several solar cells that work as semiconductors to capture the heat energy and transform it into direct current (DC).

  • How Solar Panels Work

    • Solar panels are mounted, typically on the roof of the property, exposed to sunlight. Ground-mount panels are less common for residential setups since they need more space and are more appropriate for farms.
    • Each solar panel is arranged with several solar cells, ranging from 32 to 92 cells. Different types of solar panel materials are primarily made of silicone and N-type or P-type semiconductors. When the sunlight comes into contact with it, it excites electrons and produces direct current flow.
    • Direct current, though is a form of electricity, is not used in UK homes. It is more common to use Solar PV Inverters in the UK to convert DC to AC, making it more suitable for all sorts of appliances and electronics.
  • Types of Solar Panels

Today, we have a wide variety of solar cells, and solar panel technology has been brought on by top-tier manufacturers like Jinko, DMEGC and Qcells. In addition to the traditional aluminium-alloy frame cells, several new technologies have surfaced in the market, including the Mono-Facial, PERC and IBC modules.

    • Polycrystalline or Multicrystaline: these are made of multiple silicon crystals and are more budget options suitable for the middle class. However, they have a lower efficiency rate and take up more roof space compared to other options. “Poly-si” is a standard choice, and quite economical since the leftover crystals during manufacturing can be recycled.
    • Monocrystalline: These modules use a single block of silicon wafers. The best thing about “Mono-Si” is that they are high-efficiency modules and can fit into limited roof space. But these are more expensive than Poly-si.
    • Thin Film: This newer technology works by layering PV materials, such as amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium telluride (CdTe) or CIGS, on a substrate. These are lightweight, easy to install, and less costly than crystalline modules. However, the efficiency is lower too. These models require way more space compared to their output and are more appropriate for commercial applications and domestic personal use. However, they are rather suitable for RVs and campers than 2-3 bedroom homes.
    • N-Type and P-Type Semiconductors: Solar cells are made of either of these two types of semiconductors. They are quite similar but the variations are in how solar panel manufacturers use them to form the solar cell structure. In P-type cells, c-Si wafers have high-purity c-Si doped with boron. N-type cells have the c-Si wafer negatively charged with phosphorus to free up electrons. These variations impact eclectic conversion efficiency, longevity and warranty periods.

Vital Components in a Domestic Solar PV System Other Than Solar Panels

Solar panels are only one component in the entire solar PV design. Several other vital components go into completing the setup and making a full-fledged energy generation system. Take a cue from the list below.

  • Solar Inverter: The photovoltaic array on your rooftop will harness DC electricity. Integrating the modules with a solar inverter is the standard way to convert the DC into AC. The ideal type of solar inverter for UK-based homeowners ranges from 10 to 20 kWh to supplement up to 5 kW of solar energy. There are varieties of devices, including string, AC and hybrid inverters, that you can get at Eco Angels.
  • Solar Energy Storage System: This gadget ensures you never run out of solar electricity and brings your grid dependency to a bare minimum. It stores the surplus electricity generated by your PV modules, which is unused by you. If you don’t store it, you will waste it. Of all the available types of solar batteries in the UK, the hybrid inverter has the most energy storage capabilities. It combines an inverter and battery in a single device. You can get the maximum benefits by endorsing a hybrid solar system that can switch between direct solar panels, battery power and grid power based on the output level.
  • Charge Controller: Modern batteries like the Qcells Q.SAVE hybrid inverter come with built-in MPPT trackers and mobile-app-enabled remote monitoring mechanisms. These are more sophisticated devices that don’t need a separate charge controller. But if your battery does not have this feature, you can always add a separate one, to regulate and control the output from the PV array to the battery.
  • Other Accessories: Based on your needs, you will need other components like power optimisers, battery cables, isolators and performance data monitors to complete your PV setup.

Solar Panel Mounting Options

The solar PV installation options vary based on the type and condition of your roof. The best way to know what mounting type is right for your needs is by having a professional site survey. Most solar installation companies in the UK provide this service for free or at a nominal cost. The more informed your decision is, the less hazardous the transition will be. Whether you have a pitched, flat or corrugated roof or have the premises ideal for ground-mount solar installations, we supply the highest quality accessories to make it work.

Residential Solar Panels UK

Get expert advice on the Best Solar Panel Technology

At Eco Angels, we are among the largest wholesalers of domestic and commercial solar panels in the UK, along with other components, inverters, batteries and accessories.

We also cater to retailers and homeowners switching to solar. We can collaborate with your solar installer to supply top-notch equipment to complete your solar PV setup most efficiently and cost-effectively. With our excellent customer support and personalised solutions, we guarantee that your transition to solar energy will be the brightest one.

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